Shine in the Byre
Just one more week to go, and then we will have our grand Shine finale in the Byre Theatre! We have a full programme, with something to do for everyone! The doors will open at 10:00 in the morning, and won’t close till 16:00 in the afternoon. That gives you more than enough time to:
- Explore the properties of light with all the interactive science demos that the physicists and astronomers of the University of St Andrews have prepared for you. Each demo will have a physicist of astronomer who you can ask all your questions about light!
- See the night sky during day time in our planetarium! Our team of planetarium presenters will tell you all about the constellations, and how to find your way navigating the stars, in case you ever get lost! Planetarium shows are scheduled for 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30 and 15:30, and will last about 20 minutes.
- The New Music Ensemble of the University of St Andrews Music Centre will give two light-filled concerts, at 12:00 and 14:00. They will play ‘Light is both a wave and a particle’ by Australian composer Matthew Hindson, and will also play a world-premiere with the ‘MaNGA Galaxies Symphony’ by Scottish composer Eddie McGuire. Eddie will introduce this new music piece himself.
- Dr Tom Brown of the School of Physics and Astronomy will give a public lecture at 11:30 and 13:30, on the wave and particle nature of light, to accompany the music piece by Matthew Hindson.
- And of course, our very own Tim Fitzpatrick will finally reveal his art installation! Tim took the inspiration for this art from the MaNGA galaxy survey, just like Eddie did for this musical composition. His artwork will feature an original MaNGA observing test-plate, and will showcase the use of emission line spectra in astronomy and in art. Tim will be present to talk about his work with Shine, and the processes involved with designing this installation.
For more details, download our program booklet here: ShineBooklet. We hope to see you at this special event, drop by at any time, stay as long as you want, and have fun!
But wait, there is more! In the evening, we move to the Observatory at Buchanan Gardens for our Open Night. We’ll see Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, if the weather is cooperative. And there will be more music from the Music Centre’s Saxophone Quartet, as well as more public lectures and more science experiments. Telescopes will be open 6 – 9 PM.